Fraud - Personal Property Fraud
Crecero Technologies, Inc.
Steven Hoffman
David Thompson
Valeria Raigorodskaia
Bao M Vu
(#3) CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Defendant Steven Hoffman. (Vu, Bao) (Entered: 02/07/2025)
(#2) Certificate and NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Defendant Steven Hoffman, identifying Steve Hoffman. (Vu, Bao) (Entered: 02/07/2025)
Exhibit Notice of Filing of Notice of Removal of Action
Exhibit Statement of Information
Exhibit Riverside Daily Journal Proof of Publication
Exhibit L.A. Daily Journal Proof of Publication
Exhibit Clerk's Certificate of Mailing
Exhibit Order for Publication and Certification of Mailing
Exhibit Proposed Order
Exhibit Decl. of Brook Barnes
Exhibit Decl. of Dino Palmiotto
Exhibit Notice of CMC
Exhibit Payment Receipt
Exhibit Civil Cover Sheet
Exhibit Complaint
Exhibit Summons
Declaration Declaration of Bao M. Vu
(#1) NOTICE OF REMOVAL from California-County of Orange, case number 30-2024-01419363-CU-FR-CJC Receipt No: ACACDC-39070461 - Fee: $405, filed by Defendant Steven Hoffman. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Declaration of Bao M. Vu, #2 Exhibit Summons, #3 Exhibit Complaint, #4 Exhibit Civil Cover Sheet, #5 Exhibit Payment Receipt, #6 Exhibit Notice of CMC, #7 Exhibit Clerk's Certificate of Service, #8 Exhibit Decl. of Gregory Sonnerberg, #9 Exhibit Decl. of Dino Palmiotto, #10 Exhibit Decl. of Brook Barnes, #11 Exhibit Proposed Order, #12 Exhibit Application for Service by Publication, #13 Exhibit Application for Service of Publication, #14 Exhibit Case Management Statement, #15 Exhibit Order for Publication and Certificate of Mailing, #16 Exhibit Order for Publication and Certification of Mailing, #17 Exhibit Clerk's Certificate of Mailing, #18 Exhibit L.A. Daily Journal Proof of Publication, #19 Exhibit Riverside Daily Journal Proof of Publication, #20 Exhibit Statement of Information, #21 Exhibit Notice of Filing of Notice of Removal of Action) (Attorney Bao M Vu added to party Steven Hoffman(pty:dft))(Vu, Bao) (Entered: 02/07/2025)
Docket(#3) CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Defendant Steven Hoffman. (Vu, Bao) (Entered: 02/07/2025)
[-] Read LessDocket(#2) Certificate and NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Defendant Steven Hoffman, identifying Steve Hoffman. (Vu, Bao) (Entered: 02/07/2025)
[-] Read LessDocket(#1) NOTICE OF REMOVAL from California-County of Orange, case number 30-2024-01419363-CU-FR-CJC Receipt No: ACACDC-39070461 - Fee: $405, filed by Defendant Steven Hoffman. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Declaration of Bao M. Vu, #2 Exhibit Summons, #3 Exhibit Complaint, #4 Exhibit Civil Cover Sheet, #5 Exhibit Payment Receipt, #6 Exhibit Notice of CMC, #7 Exhibit Clerk's Certificate of Service, #8 Exhibit Decl. of Gregory Sonnerberg, #9 Exhibit Decl. of Dino Palmiotto, #10 Exhibit Decl. of Brook Barnes, #11 Exhibit Proposed Order, #12 Exhibit Application for Service by Publication, #13 Exhibit Application for Service of Publication, #14 Exhibit Case Management Statement, #15 Exhibit Order for Publication and Certificate of Mailing, #16 Exhibit Order for Publication and Certification of Mailing, #17 Exhibit Clerk's Certificate of Mailing, #18 Exhibit L.A. Daily Journal Proof of Publication, #19 Exhibit Riverside Daily Journal Proof of Publication, #20 Exhibit Statement of Information, #21 Exhibit Notice of Filing of Notice of Removal of Action) (Attorney Bao M Vu added to party Steven Hoffman(pty:dft))(Vu, Bao) (Entered: 02/07/2025)
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