Finance and Lending - Consumer Credit
Leo T. Sorokin
Naima Nasirova
Synchrony Bank
Elizabeth A. Miller
Civil Cover Sheet cover sheets
Docket(#6) District Judge Leo T. Sorokin: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered: re #5 Stipulation Extending Time to Respond to Plaintiff's Complaint. ALLOWED. Answer due 8/31/2021.(Dore, Samantha) (Entered: 08/23/2021)
[-] Read LessDocket(#5) STIPULATION re #1 Complaint [Extending Time To Respond To Plaintiff's Complaint] by Synchrony Bank. (Snow, Steven) (Entered: 08/20/2021)
[-] Read LessDocket(#4) WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Naima Nasirova. Synchrony Bank waiver sent on 6/25/2021, answer due 8/24/2021. (Miller, Elizabeth) (Entered: 07/06/2021)
[-] Read LessDocket(#3) Summons Issued as to Synchrony Bank. Counsel receiving this notice electronically should download this summons, complete one for each defendant and serve it in accordance with Fed.R.Civ.P. 4 and LR 4.1. Summons will be mailed to plaintiff(s) not receiving notice electronically for completion of service. (McDonagh, Christina) (Entered: 06/25/2021)
[-] Read LessDocket(#2) ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Case Assignment. District Judge Leo T. Sorokin assigned to case. If the trial Judge issues an Order of Reference of any matter in this case to a Magistrate Judge, the matter will be transmitted to Magistrate Judge Donald L. Cabell. (Finn, Mary) (Entered: 06/25/2021)
[-] Read LessDocket(#1) COMPLAINT against Synchrony Bank Filing fee: $ 402, receipt number 0101-8834609 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by Naima Nasirova. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet cover sheets)(Miller, Elizabeth) (Entered: 06/25/2021)
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