Jessica Ring Amunson
Robert B. Nicholson
Merrick B. Garland
P. Michele Ellison
Jacob Matthew Lewis
Petition for Review
Case Opening Notice
Notice Regarding Native PDF
DISCLOSURE statement filed by Petitioner Direct Action for Rights and Equality. Served on 09/06/2024. [24-1814] (JRA) [Entered: 09/06/2024 04:05 PM]
NOTICE of appearance on behalf of Respondent FCC filed by Attorney Jacob M. Lewis. Served on 09/11/2024. [24-1814] (JML) [Entered: 09/11/2024 10:35 AM]
NOTICE of appearance on behalf of Respondent US filed by Attorney Robert Nicholson. Served on 09/12/2024. [24-1814] (RBN) [Entered: 09/12/2024 12:19 PM]
Notice of Multicircuit Petitions for Review
Attachment C - Order on Review
Attachment C - Order on Review
Consolidation Order
NOTICE of appearance on behalf of Petitioner Securus Technologies, LLC in 24-8028, 24-1860 filed by Attorney Scott H. Angstreich. Served on 09/27/2024. [24-8028, 24-1860] CLERK'S NOTE: Document should not have been filed in additional case 24-1814. Correction made by clerk's office. No further action required. (SHA) [Entered: 09/27/2024 05:06 PM]
MOTION to transfer case filed by Petitioner Securus Technologies, LLC in 24-8028, 24-1860. Served on 09/27/2024. [24-8028, 24-1860] CLERK'S NOTE: Document should not have been filed in additional case 24-1814. Correction made by clerk's office. No further action required. (SHA) [Entered: 09/27/2024 05:09 PM]
INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER entered consolidating cases First Circuit No. 24-1814 First Circuit No. 24-1861 (originally Third Circuit No. 24-2647) First Circuit No. 24-1860 (originally Fifth Circuit No. 24-60454) First Circuit No. 24-1859 (originally Ninth Circuit No. 24-5438) All filings in this proceeding will be made by counsel using CM/ECF and as provided by applicable orders. Filings should designate both the lead case number ( In re: MCP 191 , Appeal No. 24-8028) and the case number assigned to the individual member case in this court. When filing in CM/ECF, filers should select only their individual case number and the lead case number. In the event errors are made in selecting cases when docketing, misfiled documents may be stricken with instructions for correction by counsel. Preliminary deadlines for entries of appearance and docketing statements will be set in each individual review proceeding. Accordingly, counsel for the parties to each review proceeding shall enter their appearance in both the proceeding to which they are a party and in the lead case. The petitioner(s) in each individual review proceeding shall file a docketing statement in that proceeding and in the lead case. . [24-8028, 24-1814, 24-1859, 24-1860, 24-1861] (AL) [Entered: 09/27/2024 06:21 PM]
DocketORDER to Show Cause entered directing petitioner Direct Action for Rights and Equality to show cause why this appeal should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. Accordingly, the petitioner and respondents are ordered to show cause, in writing filed by October 17, 2024 , why this petition should not be dismissed in whole or in part. [24-1814, 24-8028] (AL) [Entered: 10/03/2024 03:31 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketINITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER entered consolidating cases First Circuit No. 24-1814 First Circuit No. 24-1861 (originally Third Circuit No. 24-2647) First Circuit No. 24-1860 (originally Fifth Circuit No. 24-60454) First Circuit No. 24-1859 (originally Ninth Circuit No. 24-5438) All filings in this proceeding will be made by counsel using CM/ECF and as provided by applicable orders. Filings should designate both the lead case number ( In re: MCP 191 , Appeal No. 24-8028) and the case number assigned to the individual member case in this court. When filing in CM/ECF, filers should select only their individual case number and the lead case number. In the event errors are made in selecting cases when docketing, misfiled documents may be stricken with instructions for correction by counsel. Preliminary deadlines for entries of appearance and docketing statements will be set in each individual review proceeding. Accordingly, counsel for the parties to each review proceeding shall enter their appearance in both the proceeding to which they are a party and in the lead case. The petitioner(s) in each individual review proceeding shall file a docketing statement in that proceeding and in the lead case. . [24-8028, 24-1814, 24-1859, 24-1860, 24-1861] (AL) [Entered: 09/27/2024 06:21 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketMOTION to transfer case filed by Petitioner Securus Technologies, LLC in 24-8028, 24-1860. Served on 09/27/2024. [24-8028, 24-1860] CLERK'S NOTE: Document should not have been filed in additional case 24-1814. Correction made by clerk's office. No further action required. (SHA) [Entered: 09/27/2024 05:09 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketNOTICE of appearance on behalf of Petitioner Securus Technologies, LLC in 24-8028, 24-1860 filed by Attorney Scott H. Angstreich. Served on 09/27/2024. [24-8028, 24-1860] CLERK'S NOTE: Document should not have been filed in additional case 24-1814. Correction made by clerk's office. No further action required. (SHA) [Entered: 09/27/2024 05:06 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketLETTER regarding the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Consolidation Order filed by Attorney Jacob Matthew Lewis for Respondent FCC. Served on 09/19/2024. [24-1814] (JML) [Entered: 09/19/2024 12:07 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketLETTER regarding Notice of Multicircuit Petitions for Review filed by Attorney Jacob Matthew Lewis for Respondent FCC. Served on 09/16/2024. [24-1814] (JML) [Entered: 09/16/2024 07:37 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketNOTICE of appearance on behalf of Respondent US filed by Attorney Robert Nicholson. Served on 09/12/2024. [24-1814] (RBN) [Entered: 09/12/2024 12:19 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketNOTICE of appearance on behalf of Respondent FCC filed by Attorney Jacob M. Lewis. Served on 09/11/2024. [24-1814] (JML) [Entered: 09/11/2024 10:35 AM]
[-] Read LessDocketDISCLOSURE statement filed by Petitioner Direct Action for Rights and Equality. Served on 09/06/2024. [24-1814] (JRA) [Entered: 09/06/2024 04:05 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketFiling fee was paid by Petitioner Direct Action for Rights and Equality. Receipt number: A01-40146-104. [24-1814] (JW) [Entered: 09/06/2024 01:32 PM]
[-] Read LessDocketAGENCY CASE docketed. Petition for review filed by Petitioner Direct Action for Rights and Equality. Appearance form due 09/20/2024. Administrative record due 10/16/2024. Copy of petition served on respondent(s) pursuant to FRAP 15(c). [24-1814] (JW) [Entered: 09/06/2024 01:26 PM]
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