Pending - Other Pending
Finance - Consumer Credit
Dolly M. Gee
Rozella A. Oliver
Emil Ebrahim
Hanaa Sharmoukh
Elite Financial Services, Inc.
Alejandro Emmanuel Figueroa
Lawren A. Zann
Germain D. Labat, III
(#28) ORDER by Judge Dolly M. Gee Granting Application of Non-Resident Attorney Lawren A. Zann to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc., designating Germain D. Labat as local counsel #21 , #23 , #25 . (gk) (Entered: 04/08/2022)
(#27) NOTICE of Deficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney LAWREN A. ZANN to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500.00 Previously Paid on 4/4/2022, Receipt No. 032595) #25 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 83- Certificate of Good Standing not attached for every state court listed to which the applicant has been admitted. Other error(s) with document(s): Certificates of Good Standing have been required since 9/08. See LR 83- The applicant must also attach a Certificate of Good Standing (issued within the last 30 days) from every state bar to which he or she is admitted; failure to do so will be grounds for denying the application. See Instructions for Applicants (1) (G-64). (lt) (Entered: 04/07/2022)
(#26) MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER RE MOTION TO DISMISS by Judge Dolly M. Gee. Defendants motion to dismiss [Doc. #17], filed on March24, 2022, is DENIED without prejudice as moot. The April 29, 2022 hearing on that motion is VACATED denying #17 MOTION to Dismiss Case. Court Reporter: Not Reported. (See document for further details) (rolm) (Entered: 04/07/2022)
Proposed Order
Main Document
Proposed Order
Main Document
Proposed Order [Proposed] Order
Main Document
(#19) (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Judge Dolly M. Gee. Pursuant to the Court's Initial Standing Order #9 , the Court holds motion hearings on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. Defendant's Motion to Dismiss the Complaint #17 is hereby set for hearing on April 29, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. Further non-compliance with the Court's procedures and Local Rules may result in sanctions. IT IS SO ORDERED.THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (kti) TEXT ONLY ENTRY (Entered: 03/29/2022)
(#8) 21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 as to Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (lh) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
(#7) Notice to Counsel Re Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge. (lh) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
(#6) NOTICE TO PARTIES OF COURT-DIRECTED ADR PROGRAM filed. (lh) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
(#5) NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Dolly M. Gee and Magistrate Judge Rozella A. Oliver. (lh) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
(#4) Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 filed by Plaintiff Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh. (Volheim, Nathan) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
(#3) NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Plaintiff Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh, (Figueroa, Alejandro) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
(#2) CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Plaintiffs Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh. (Figueroa, Alejandro) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
(#20) First AMENDED COMPLAINT against Elite Financial Services, Inc. Elite Financial Services, Inc. amending Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 , filed by Plaintiff Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh(Figueroa, Alejandro) (Entered: 04/01/2022)
Docket(#28) ORDER by Judge Dolly M. Gee Granting Application of Non-Resident Attorney Lawren A. Zann to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc., designating Germain D. Labat as local counsel #21 , #23 , #25 . (gk) (Entered: 04/08/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#27) NOTICE of Deficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney LAWREN A. ZANN to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500.00 Previously Paid on 4/4/2022, Receipt No. 032595) #25 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 83- Certificate of Good Standing not attached for every state court listed to which the applicant has been admitted. Other error(s) with document(s): Certificates of Good Standing have been required since 9/08. See LR 83- The applicant must also attach a Certificate of Good Standing (issued within the last 30 days) from every state bar to which he or she is admitted; failure to do so will be grounds for denying the application. See Instructions for Applicants (1) (G-64). (lt) (Entered: 04/07/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#26) MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER RE MOTION TO DISMISS by Judge Dolly M. Gee. Defendants motion to dismiss [Doc. #17], filed on March24, 2022, is DENIED without prejudice as moot. The April 29, 2022 hearing on that motion is VACATED denying #17 MOTION to Dismiss Case. Court Reporter: Not Reported. (See document for further details) (rolm) (Entered: 04/07/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#25) APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney LAWREN A. ZANN to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500.00 Previously Paid on 4/4/2022, Receipt No. 032595) filed by Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Labat, Germain) (Entered: 04/06/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#24) NOTICE of Deficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application RE: Corrected APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney LAWREN A. ZANN to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500.00 Previously Paid on 4/4/2022, Receipt No. 032595) #23 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 5-4.3.4 Application not hand-signed. Other error(s) with document(s): The attorney seeking to appear pro hac vice must complete Section I of this Application, personally sign, in ink, the certification in Section II, and have the designated Local Counsel sign in Section III. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES ARE NOT ACCEPTED. See Instructions for Applicants (1). (lt) (Entered: 04/06/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#23) Corrected APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney LAWREN A. ZANN to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500.00 Previously Paid on 4/4/2022, Receipt No. 032595) filed by Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order) (Labat, Germain) (Entered: 04/05/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#22) NOTICE of Deficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney LAWREN A. ZANN to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-33071501) #21 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 5-4.3.4 Application not hand-signed. Other error(s) with document(s): Please note that electronic, image or stamp signatures are not allowed. (lt) (Entered: 04/05/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#21) APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney LAWREN A. ZANN to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-33071501) filed by Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order [Proposed] Order) (Labat, Germain) (Entered: 04/04/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#20) First AMENDED COMPLAINT against Elite Financial Services, Inc. Elite Financial Services, Inc. amending Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 , filed by Plaintiff Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh(Figueroa, Alejandro) (Entered: 04/01/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#19) (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Judge Dolly M. Gee. Pursuant to the Court's Initial Standing Order #9 , the Court holds motion hearings on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. Defendant's Motion to Dismiss the Complaint #17 is hereby set for hearing on April 29, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. Further non-compliance with the Court's procedures and Local Rules may result in sanctions. IT IS SO ORDERED.THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (kti) TEXT ONLY ENTRY (Entered: 03/29/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#10) PROOF OF SERVICE Executed by Plaintiff Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh, upon Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. served on 2/11/2022, answer due 3/4/2022. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Trudy Desbiens - Authorized Agent for Service in compliance with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by personal service.Original Summons NOT returned. (Figueroa, Alejandro) (Entered: 02/16/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#9) INITIAL STANDING ORDER upon filing of the complaint by Judge Dolly M. Gee. (kti) (Entered: 02/10/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#8) 21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 as to Defendant Elite Financial Services, Inc. (lh) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#7) Notice to Counsel Re Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge. (lh) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#6) NOTICE TO PARTIES OF COURT-DIRECTED ADR PROGRAM filed. (lh) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#5) NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Dolly M. Gee and Magistrate Judge Rozella A. Oliver. (lh) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#4) Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening), #1 filed by Plaintiff Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh. (Volheim, Nathan) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#3) NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Plaintiff Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh, (Figueroa, Alejandro) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#2) CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Plaintiffs Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh. (Figueroa, Alejandro) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
[-] Read LessDocket(#1) COMPLAINT Receipt No: ACACDC-32761023 - Fee: $402, filed by Plaintiff Emil Ebrahim, Hanaa Sharmoukh. (Attorney Alejandro Emmanuel Figueroa added to party Emil Ebrahim(pty:pla), Attorney Alejandro Emmanuel Figueroa added to party Hanaa Sharmoukh(pty:pla))(Figueroa, Alejandro) (Entered: 02/09/2022)
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